
Views expressed by News/Blog authors are solely that of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association of Fundraising Professionals New York City Chapter. Links Disclaimer


Here comes the Fall!

Chapter Leadership Brief 8.26.2022

By Craig Shelley, CFRE
President-elect, AFP-NYC Chapter; Partner + Chief Growth Officer, Orr Group

It’s hot.  It’s humid.  I’m tired of showing up during my rare in office days looking like I took a shower.  I’m ready for the Fall.

That’s sort of a weird thing for me to say out loud.  As kids, the Fall meant carefree summers became a memory and you were back to the grind of school and activities.  As fundraisers, it means the busiest of times is coming, which is saying a lot now that all times seem busy.  That said, I think I’ve come to look at the Fall as, yes, a time where I will be at my busiest, but also as a time where people will have unprecedented opportunities to give and contribute to the things they care about.  And, lucky us, we get to help them do it!

Now is the Time to Innovate Philanthropy

Chapter Leadership Brief 8.12.2022

By M. Angel Flores
Co-Vice Chair, Communications Committee


Our Existing Systems are Failing

The colonizing principles that defined our now-dying systems have been exposed as deeply flawed. The pandemic and civil unrest following George Floyd’s murder uncovered deep fault lines in our society disproportionally impacting Black and Brown people.

The Fundraiser Bill of Rights

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.29.2022

By Steve Jacobson
AFP-NYC Immediate Past President and CEO, JCA, Inc.
Is there such a thing as a Fundraiser Bill of Rights? Well, no, but hopefully there will be one soon. While AFP has a code of ethics and has worked with other nonprofit advocacy organizations to create a Donor Bill of Rights, there has been a noticeable void in protections for all of you, the fundraisers on the frontlines. It’s time to change that!

Dressing Up: We Must Overcome Class Shame in Fundraising to Build True Equity & Justice

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.15.2022

By Christa Orth
Co-Vice Chair of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Committee
Founder + CEO, Seaworthy Fundraising
This is an excerpt of an article originally published on the Community-Centric Fundraising website
As a fundraiser, I’ve been to my share of “fancy” parties. Each time, I rummage through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit that will look sufficiently dressed up, professional, and that shows off my genderqueer style. 
I want to fit in. As a cisgender, white, queer person, I might look the part, but deep inside, I fear that people will judge me because I don’t come from wealth.

Fundraisers Matter

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.1.2022

By Jill M. Scibilia
AFP-NYC President
VP, Development
Phelps Hospital, Northwell Health
Do we say this often enough to our colleagues?  To the professional fundraising community?  To ourselves?
Sometimes we focus our accolades on the donors who support us and the people in our organizations who deliver our programs. I know I do.  It is important to share stories of impact.  It is what we do as fundraisers when we champion an idea, program or new facility that is possible thanks to donor generosity.

Heading to Fundraising Day and Reflecting on the Support AFP-NYC Provides

Chapter Leadership Brief 6.17.2022

By Jennifer Moore, AFP-NYC Treasurer
Vice President of Developement,
As I woke up this morning, I was excited (and a bit nervous if I’m being honest) to be heading to Fundraising Day in New York for the first time in two years!’s full Development department and CEO will be joining hundreds of our colleagues to soak in the inspirations, learnings and networking that FRDNY always delivers.

In Memory of Michele Hall Duncan

We lost a member of our AFP family last week, Michele Hall-Duncan, who served on our board as our
Secretary. We will be taking a moment of silence during the Penny Stoil Luncheon at Fundraising Day to remember Michele and her leadership in the
fundraising profession and the work she did and led at enCourage Kids Foundation. The board of AFP-NYC will be making a gift to enCourage Kids to honor Michele, please consider donating to this wonderful organization in her memory at We also would like to share the message from enCourage Kids with our readers:

Returning to Fundraising Day After Two Long Years!

Chapter Leadership Brief 6.3.2022

By Gregory Boroff
Chief External Relations Officer, City Harvest; AFP-NYC Fundraising Day in New York Committee Chair
I became a member of the AFP-NYC chapter in 1995, which was also the first year I attended Fundraising Day in New York. I’ve attended every year since and my involvement has deepened, as I went from an attendee to speaker, moderator, track chair, and program chair.  I was so excited and honored when I was asked to be Conference Chair in 2020.  We named the conference “Moving Forward….Together”, and we added representatives from our IDEA and Emerging Professionals groups to the Conference Steering Committee. Over several months, we worked to develop interesting sessions with dynamic, expert speakers. We’d even planned a delicious and fun luncheon program.  Then the world changed, and we had to quickly pivot to make the conference virtual.

Keeping The Faith

Chapter Leadership Brief 5.20.2022

By Pinky Vincent
Development & Marketing, Change Machine, AFP-NYC Communications Committee Chair
These are (still) difficult times. One million people have lost their lives to COVID-19. That is millions of families and friends who have lost their loved ones in this country alone. 
And I shudder to think of family members and friends who may never return from their routine grocery shopping because of racially-motivated mass killings. Like many of you, I am still processing the violent events within our borders and beyond.
I want to keep the faith - we shall (and must) overcome hate.

We’re Back!!

Chapter Leadership Brief 5.6.2022

By Michele Hall-Duncan, AFP-NYC Secretary
President & CEO, Encourage Kids Foundation
On Wednesday, we will have our first in-person gala in two years. Fundraising events have been our bread and butter, therefore losing this particular revenue stream was devastating to our organization. Our staff was reduced by 60 percent and we had to reconfigure how we delivered our mission as well. When we passed the one-million dollar mark last week, our skeleton crew celebrated via Zoom and could not believe that we had hit our goal.

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