
Views expressed by News/Blog authors are solely that of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association of Fundraising Professionals New York City Chapter. Links Disclaimer


What do Event Planners Do in the Summer?

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.26.24

By David Langton
President, Langton Creative Group

The summer — when you’re not in the thick of things — is an opportunity to look at trends with clients and within the industry. It’s a time for more strategic conversations. For example, you can consider what it means to honor a Board member. How did you tap into their network? What can we learn from that? What does it take to get someone to open their Rolodex?

Transforming the Nonprofit Sector from the Inside Out

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.12.24

by Sonya Shields
Executive Director and President of Cause Effective

Bringing about real change takes time. And each time we take a couple of steps forward, there's pushback from the forces in society that don't want to give up their status and privilege.
But we have an obligation, to our kids and our grandkids, to keep pushing.
We've got to sustain our spirits, hope, and focus to make progress.   – Barack Obama

The racial reckoning in 2020 propelled nonprofit organizations to hire BIPOC leaders into CEO and Executive Director positions during a time of unprecedented turmoil in this country.  We all witnessed a paradigm shift in hiring BIPOC leaders and especially Black women, which finally acknowledged that we are a part of this country’s DNA and have contributed significantly to social movements and to building nonprofits.  Cause Effective was one of the organizations that made a commitment to hire a BIPOC person as the next Executive Director, and I assumed the role in July 2023.  But ascending to the leadership position and breaking the glass ceiling in the nonprofit sector for most BIPOC people came at a cost.  And once we are in the position, the ability to sustain and thrive is one of the biggest challenges in the nonprofit sector today. 


5 Ways to Boost Your Non-Profit Social Media Reach

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.12.24

by Lynsie Slachetka
Founder & CEO, aJuxt Media Group

Social media is an effective and affordable tool that should be part of any professional fundraiser’s toolkit. According to one study, 32% of nonprofit donors are most inspired to give via social media, followed closely by email (30%), website (17%), print (15%), TV or radio ad (3%), phone call (2%), and text message (1%).

Member Spotlight: An Angelic “troublemaker” Uplifting the LGBTQIA+ Community

Chapter Leadership Brief 6.28.24

Meet Tay Hughes of The Trevor Project.

Tay Hughes (she/her) has supported initiatives to raise more than $12 million to elevate The Trevor Project's life-saving mission to end suicide amongst LGBTQIA+ young people. In her role as the Grants Manager she focuses on researching, stewarding, and cultivating a supportive community of institutional foundations and government entities. As a Black, lesbian fundraiser — an identity not often represented in her profession — Tay takes pride in the unique perspective and lived experience she lends to securing funds that uplift her community. “Working at an organization whose mission I can relate to and connect with, has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in my professional life span,” said Tay.

From $10 to $10,000: Rethinking the Giving Pyramid for a New Age of Philanthropy

Chapter Leadership Brief 6.28.24

by Anton Lipkanou
President and Parnter, Delve Deeper

The philanthropic landscape in the US is on the cusp of a major transformation.

By 2028, Millennials are poised to account for as much as 60% of philanthropic giving, challenging non-profits to devise innovative strategies to engage this burgeoning donor demographic.

Today is the day!!

Chapter Leadership Brief 6.14.24

by Craig Shelley, CFRE
President, AFP-NYC
Partner + Chief Growth Officer, Orr Group

Hopefully you’re reading this on your phone from the New York Marriott marquis and Fundraising Day in New York.  Or, better yet, you’re reading it on your way home from Fundraising Day in New York because you were so engaged learning and networking at the conference you never checked your emails!  If neither of those things are true, you are probably suffering from extreme FOMO.  I’m sorry and hope you’ll join us next year.

Unlocking Fundraising Efficiency: Strategies for Nonprofit Success

Chapter Leadership Brief 6.14.24

by Bre Alexander
Content Marketing Manager, Kindsight

If you're responsible for fundraising at your nonprofit, you know how much time, organization, and strategy it takes to raise a dollar. The challenge is real, but, when you're equipped with the right strategies, you can optimize your efforts to find the donors needed to reach your goals.

Top 5 Insights From The 2024 Nonprofit Acceleration Report

Chapter Leadership Brief 5.31.2024

by Community Boost

It’s a time of exciting digital transformation for nonprofits. In fact, so much is happening that it can be hard to keep up with the changes, innovation, and trends. The 2024 Nonprofit Acceleration Report is here to identify nonprofits’ current and future state of digital engagement, and distill the most important insights, so you know what’s currently working to increase nonprofit’s growth and what’s worth exploring.

Insights from My Journey as FRDNY Chair

Chapter Leadership Brief 5.17.24

by CJ Orr
Partner & President, Orr Group

Reflecting on my journey as the Chair of AFP-NYC's Fundraising Day in New York (FRDNY) and my six years on the board, I am proud of how our team and the community have shaped this event into a remarkable, record-breaking experience. Serving as Chair for two years has given me invaluable insights into what makes this day successful, engaging, and meaningful for fundraising professionals and the organizations they represent.


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