Upcoming Events

The New York City Chapter of AFP holds multiple events for both members and nonmembers throughout the year. Members and guests pay discounted pricing; some events are free for AFP-NYC Chapter members. We are presenting a variety of online events this year, including webinars, discussions, coaching sessions, Town Halls. Need CE credits? We're happy to provide attendance verification, just ask!

Event date: 4/28/2021 8:30 AM Export event

Small Shops Think Tank: Take Your Fundraising to the Next Level

AFP-NYC Cohort Series

Are you a “small shop” development program leader? By small shop we mean you manage few staff members (maybe just one!) with limited resources. As such, you are a committed fundraiser challenged every day to achieve large results.

If so, then AFP NYC’s workshop series focused on Small Shop Fundraising is perfect for you!

Together you will learn from your peers how to successfully navigate fundraising challenges unique to the professional in a small shop setting, as well as develop a network of support that will continue long after the series is over.

Each session will feature a presentation led by leaders in the field who bring their expertise in managing and growing a thriving development program. In addition, you will share your successes and stumbling blocks in Taking Your Fundraising to the Next Level.

This is a four-session series and individual sessions are not available for purchase. We ask that registrants commit to participating in all sessions. Sessions will take place online on Wednesday mornings via Zoom from 8:30-10:00am ET and will be facilitated by Jennifer Moore VP of Development, SIFMA Foundation, Anne Townsend of ART + Strategy, and Gary Weinberg of DM Pros.

Pre-Series Get-together (Orientation) Date and Time to  be determined with Mini-Series participants.

Before getting down to business we will get to know each other. This will be your opportunity to share experiences, goals and situations so we can hit the ground running at the first program session.

April 28th: Assessing Your Development Plan

  • Let’s talk fundraising plans and getting it all done.  We’ll talk through successful plans, identifying areas of opportunity (what you should be doing more… and perhaps what you should be doing less), setting realistic goals for growth, and defining metrics to measure progress.

May 26th: Engaging Your Board Members and Other Volunteers In Fundraising

  • In a small shop, you depend on volunteers in fundraising. Set yourself and your volunteers up for success with strategies and processes that maximize time and engagement.

June 23rd: Optimizing Your Communications Plan

  • Whether you are reaching out to your constituents through mail, e-mail, phone, social media, or other channels, you will learn ways to best structure your communications plan to maximize your fundraising, stewardship and engagement.

July 21st: Peer-Generated Roundtable Topics

  • Together you and other participants will choose topics for our last session that will include peer learning and shared outcomes.

Pricing for complete session series: $175 AFP-NYC members/$250 non-members

Last year’s series sold out quickly, so reserve your spot now!

“I found my participation in the program to be very rewarding and impactful.  The content was relevant and helpful, and the community of fellow fundraisers from similarly sized orgs was also great to be part of.  Our sessions ended up happening in the early stages of the pandemic, so the sense of community support during such a traumatic time meant more to me than I can express.  Some of us were struggling to figure out how to make our organizations' work relevant to donors during the pandemic if we weren't providing frontline/essential services, and one of the speakers shared a gem that has stayed with me—‘If you believe in the mission of your organization, that's all you need to make your organization's work relevant to donors’.”

Melissa A. Benjamin
Director of Development, Fiver Children’s Foundation
2020 Small Shops Mini-Series Participant

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