Upcoming Events

The New York City Chapter of AFP holds multiple events for both members and nonmembers throughout the year. Members and guests pay discounted pricing; some events are free for AFP-NYC Chapter members. We are presenting a variety of online events this year, including webinars, discussions, coaching sessions, Town Halls. Need CE credits? We're happy to provide attendance verification, just ask!

Event date: 9/9/2020 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Export event

Building your Nonprofit’s Communications Engine

Watch Party Wednesday -- Webinar and Facilitated Discussion

(From the MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS track, recorded May 2020)

Join our facilitator, Sarah Durham, CEO of Big Duck/Advomatic, as we watch this session for nonprofit leaders who need to set clear goals, build a stronger team, and manage communications so it truly advances the mission. You’ll learn a scalable theory that you can apply to your organization immediately, plus:

  • The results a successful communications team should consistently generate for your nonprofit
  • The six elements you must have in order to achieve these results
  • A simple approach that can be applied to assess where your organization’s communications are strongest or need more attention


  • Samantha Campbell, Senior Director of Marketing, Apollo Theater
  • Sarah Durham, CEO of Big Duck/Advomatic 
  • Bill Furmanski, Director of Communications, Fair Labor Association
  • Teresa C. Younger, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Foundation for Women

Date: Wednesday, September 9
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 PM 
Price: $25 
Location: Zoom -- event link will be sent in advance


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