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5 Ways to Boost Your Non-Profit Social Media Reach

5 Ways to Boost Your Non-Profit Social Media Reach

Chapter Leadership Brief 7.12.24

by Lynsie Slachetka
Founder & CEO, aJuxt Media Group

Social media is an effective and affordable tool that should be part of any professional fundraiser’s toolkit. According to one study, 32% of nonprofit donors are most inspired to give via social media, followed closely by email (30%), website (17%), print (15%), TV or radio ad (3%), phone call (2%), and text message (1%).

Building a community around your cause can also strengthen your nonprofit’s reach. Social media fosters a sense of community and engagement. Nonprofits can interact directly with their supporters, volunteers, and beneficiaries, building strong, loyal relationships. This interaction can lead to increased support and volunteerism.

Whether your social media presence is managed by a professional firm or by a team of volunteers and staff, our Troupe is offering five easy ways to increase your nonprofit social media digital footprint.

  1. Get Your Board Involved

    Encourage your board members to post special moments or share organizational updates to their personal social media accounts. Board members can use their own personal networks to expand the organization’s reach.

    If your board or committee meets virtually, take a group screenshot and share it on social media. Your volunteers will be empowered by seeing that they are part of a larger team working towards a common goal. And don’t forget to share your volunteers on social media when you catch them in action!
  2. Post Consistently

    Regular updates help to build a loyal audience that is regularly engaged and informed. A consistent posting schedule can produce a higher-than-industry-average engagement rate. Each social media platform’s algorithm is different, so take time to understand each one and keep your posting schedule in sync with best practices for each platform.

    To simplify your life, take advantage of social media scheduling tools to keep your posts organized. If you work as part of a team, make sure everyone is aware of the posting schedule and best times to post for each platform.
  3. Boost Engagement

    Social media reach is all about engagement! When you actively engage with your social media audience, your efforts are rewarded by the algorithms with increased visibility. Remember to respond to comments and messages promptly. Don’t engage in negative attacks, but be sure to be aware of the conversations taking place on your social media platforms. Static content can get boring, so be sure to include interactive polls, quizzes, and contests in your social media content schedule.
  4. Use a Compelling Call to Action (CTA)

    Facebook algorithm changes prioritize pages with meaningful user conversations and engagements. Creative posts that drive engagement can pay off, especially when they include a compelling call to action (CTA).

    A strong CTA can direct social media followers to your nonprofit’s donation pages, or to event announcements or website content. All audiences are different, so be sure to tailor your message to the specific audience you are hoping to reach.
  5. Leverage Analytics to Optimize Strategy

Analytics can provide critical insights into the demographics you are reaching on each of your social media platforms and into the effectiveness of your posts. Keep an eye on your reach, engagement, and follower growth as you develop new campaigns. Focus on the campaigns that perform well, and move beyond or improve the campaigns that don’t.

Let your analytics work for you. Adjust your post schedule using times that are proven to result in broader reach and focus on content that generates the most activity and discussion.

Social media is an indispensable and cost-effective tool for nonprofits aiming to expand their reach and leveraging this platform is crucial for any fundraising strategy. Building a strong, engaged community around your cause through consistent interaction can significantly enhance support and volunteerism.

By involving board members and volunteers, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, actively boosting social media engagement, using compelling CTAs, and leveraging analytics, nonprofits can more effectively optimize their social media presence. Implementing these five strategies can lead to a more dynamic and impactful social media outreach, ultimately advancing your nonprofit's mission and goals.

As always at aJuxt we don’t believe in gatekeeping knowledge. We want our clients and members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals to Juxt Learn! Visit our resource hub to view our series of expert webinars, easy-to-implement weekly tips, and timely blogs that offer a unique opportunity for your communications committee  to gain in-depth knowledge of advanced marketing topics -including where to start with social media strategies! These resources are designed to equip organizations with the tools necessary to execute marketing strategies that are tailored to their brand’s unique needs.

If you want someone to help your business grow, meet Lynsie! A news, web, social media and technology junkie, Lynsie knows the ins and outs of today’s online marketing landscape. You can bet she will know what’s “in” long before it becomes the latest trend, always keeping your business one step ahead of the competition, keeping your brand noticed, and keeping you safe from what’s “out.”

Lynsie’s career in communications spans over a decade. She has extensive knowledge in digital advertising, search engine optimization, social media management, reputation management, visual storytelling, video production, public relations, and print/broadcast journalism. Lynsie worked for Hearst Digital Media Services and was co-owner of a Tallahassee-based marketing agency, Voxy Media Group, before stepping away for new ventures. She’s a Midwestern gal with a heart for the world. Lynsie loves communications—the art of effective advertising. She also loves her kids, hubby, kayaking and exploring. Home is wherever her family takes off their shoes for the night. Her motto is: “Nothing is impossible if you just start it.”

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